Scientific Name
- The scientific name of Kenyan Sand Boa is Epicrates cenchria cenchria.
- They are known as East African Sand Boas, and Egyptian Sand Boas.
- Yellowish or orange color with dark brown splotches.
- This snake is a nocturnal animal.
- They are found in most East African countries, including Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.
- When it reaches sexual maturity, age of 3 years old.
- The snakes give birth to live young after 4 months of breeding.
- 6 to 20 babies per clutch.
- Hatchling: 15 to 20 inches.
- Adult male: Up 15 to 18 inches.
- Adult female: Up to 30 inches possible.
- They live up to 16 years or more.
- African sand boas eat very little.
- Young boas should be fed every 5 to 7 days in captivity.
- The adult boa eating schedule is 1 to 2 weeks once.
- Hatchlings eat insects and small pinky mice.
- Adult snakes’ food are lizards and rodents.
- Avoid keeping rodents with the snake overnight.
- A bowl of fresh water should be provided for the snake.
Boa Habitat and Vivarium Housing
- In captivity, the temperature should be around 82°F.
- Keep the basking spot around 89°F.