About Us

ReptilesWeb.com is an online resource for people who are passionate about caring for reptiles and amphibians. 

You may find the reptiles and amphibians database, reptile care sheet, guide, and product reviews on the latest supplies in the market. 

The website is designed to provide you the best browsing and readability experience. 

Product Reviews and Recommendations

We have a set of Standard Operating Procedures to review the latest reptile supplies and the market which is deem to be in the best interest for most of you, the reptile owners. 

The reviews are unbiased, and beneficial to your beloved reptile. We hope that ReptilesWeb.com can help you to make the right decision in the process of selecting the best product in the markets.

Affiliate Commission and Disclosure

In the process of recommending the products, ReptilesWeb.com receive a small percentages from the merchants when you click the link to purchase the goods.

Don’t worry, this is at no cost to you. The price you pay for the goods is the same that others pay for without clicking the link from this website. 

The merchants pay us with some of their profits. 

If you have any questions, please Contact Us