Scientific Name
- Eastern kingsnake’s scientific name is Lampropeltis getula getula.
- It is also known as Common Kingsnake or Chain Kingsnake.
- They have smooth and shiny scales.
- You may find black color with yellowish spots or bands on the back and sides of the snake.
- Throughout the eastern United States.
- Mating happened in the spring.
- Eggs are laid in June or July.
- The incubation period is about 60 to 75 days.
- 10 to 18 eggs per clutch.
- The adult size of the snakes is around 35 inches to 50 inches.
Life Span
The snakes live up to 10 to 15 years.
Eastern Kingsnake Food and Feeding
- Similar to other kingsnakes, Eastern kingsnakes eat other snakes, including venomous snakes.
- Other food sources are rodents, birds, eggs, and lizards.
Snake Habitat
- Most likely found in the wetlands.
- Hardwood forest, pine forest, mixed pine-hardwood forest, margins of hardwood swamps and freshwater marshes, and along creeks and streams.
- Commonly seen in terrestrial areas.