Elongated Tortoise

Author: The ReptilesWeb.com Editor

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Elongated Tortoise

Scientific Name

  • The scientific name of the Elongated Tortoise is Indotestudo elongata


  • It is also known as Yellow Head Tortoise, Yellow Tortoise, or Red-Nosed Tortoise.
  • This species is an unusually tamed and beautiful tropical tortoise, readily available and fairly hardy, which makes it a wonderful pet.


  • These tortoises are found in Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, People’s Republic of China, Thailand and Malaysia.
  • Commonly seen in Southeast Asia. 


  • Male: Above 12 inches (30cm).
  • Female: Above 15 inches (38cm).

Life Span

  • 20-50 years.


  • They are herbivorous, which means they are plant-eating animals.
  • These tortoises hunt for fallen Fruits, Grasses, Greens & Flowers.
  • The primary foods for elongated tortoises are various fruits (e.g. Peaches, Apples with skin, starfruits, Papayas, Mangos, Tomatoes, etc), Carrots, Mushrooms, Beans, Peas, Grass, Veggies, Flowers & Dark Leafy Greens (e.g. dandelions, mustards, collards, turnips, kales).
  • However, these tortoises in captivity occasionally take high-quality canned reptile, dog or cat food, Cooked Eggs, White Cheese, and Low-Fat Meat.

Habitat and Housing

  • Terrestrial, humid, upland forest areas.
  • In captivity, a large shallow water bowl should be provided for soaking and drinking all the time, also include caves for hiding, etc.

Tortoise Common Disease

  • Very hardy but will experience respiratory problems after a prolonged exposure to a cool environment.
  • Early symptoms are puffy eyes and a running nose.